How to get the most out of your flower bulbs

  1. Choose the right location to plant your bulbs. Find a spot where the soil drains well. Add compost or peat moss to improve the quality of the soil, this will improve drainage as well
  2. Plant your bulbs in full sun to part shade. Take in mind that tall lilies will grow better in areas where the wind will not be too hard
  3. Dig the holes and space the bulbs minimum 1 hand width apart from each other. In this way the lilies will have enough space to open up completely. You plant the lily bulbs 2 times the size of the bulb deep (6''). The roots go down and the pointy part faces upwards
  4. After planting it is the best to water the bulbs and soil. Lily bulbs will begin to grow roots in three to four weeks after you have planted them. During the growth of your lilies you can water them once or twice a week, depending on the weather
  5. When your lilies are in bloom feel free to cut flower stems for bouquets and enjoy them inside your house
  6. After the blooming has finished you can leave the foliage in place, do not cut it off. With the leaves still on the stems they will gather sunlight and this strengthens the bulb for the future
  7. The the foliage turns yellow and starts to die back you may remove the foliage. The bulbs will surprise you again next spring!


At Your Garden Specialist we sell the healthiest and freshest flower bulbs in the industry. All we sell is 100% grower’s quality - no tired, over-used, old dried out bulbs, EVER! That said, when working with live plants, bulbs and tubers, there are circumstances over which we have no control and cannot guarantee. Bad weather, unfortunate timing, too much or too little sunlight or moisture, basic human incompetence and plain bad luck can all lead to unforeseen and less than satisfactory results. As experienced gardeners are aware, Mother Nature does not promise perfect outcomes, and neither can we. 

  • - True to name
  • - The size promised, if not larger
  • - Healthy, vibrant and ready to grow bulbs
  • - Disease and pest free
  • - The exact varieties you ordered
  • - Clearly labeled so you will know which variety is which
  • - Commercially cultivated and never taken from the wild